The Real Impact of Technologies: A Television Interview with Simon Vumbaca, The Contemplationist.

The Real Impact of Technologies: A Television Interview with Simon Vumbaca, The Contemplationist. - 1

Renowned Contemplationist and technology ethics expert Simon Vumbaca was recently interviewed on the Italian television program FvgTech, hosted by Gabriele Gobbo. The interview focused on Simon Vumbaca’s unique perspective on emerging technologies and their cultural and sociological impact on personal development, businesses, life and they overall come to shape the future of our interactions. Simon […]

Return on Time Invested

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According to western traditions, we are at the start of a new year. This is a time when all resolutions are forged in purposes and actions. Most for a short while. We focus on what is ahead. Have we learned from the recent past though? For me 2023 has been a fantastic year by many […]

The importance of accurate designation: Process vs Purpose

The importance of accurate designation: Process vs Purpose - 4

Recently I have been blessed by the opportunity to be a speaker at several tech conferences and even to be interviewed by tech futurist experts. They all had incredibly solid vision, almost to a certainty rarely seen before, of the evolution of technologies and how, with the push of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) all has become […]

When Self Doubt Knock – Don’t Open the Door”

When Self Doubt Knock - Don’t Open the Door" - 5

Today I was in Town and managed to catch up with a friend. This was an impromptu meeting. By many accounts my friend is a very successful businessman in his own right with a massive set of skills and an even longer list of achievements. He brilliantly sold his business not long ago and after […]

Introducing ASV Private Office. Bringing dealmaking a new lease of life

Introducing ASV Private Office. Bringing dealmaking a new lease of life - 9

The Management is proud to announce the launch of ASV Private Office (“ASVPO”) targeting a sustainable growth strategy across a portfolio of complementary sectors with a particular focus on Sports, Entertainment, Infrastructure, Energy, Technology and Healthcare. Founder and Principal Simon Vumbaca, had been at the heart of some of the most high-profile, big-ticket global deals of the last thirty years in these sectors. He is already a well-known figure, particularly in […]